Well friends. A month has passed since I packed my brush rolls, loaded the makeup kit and headed to Charleston, SC to work on a little indie film called THE WISE KIDS. The writer/director, Stephen Cone as well as most of the cast/crew traveled from Chicago to work on this project. Dubbed a "labor of love" by Stephen, I think this film is something most everyone will be able to relate to. It's about three friends who deal with their beliefs, sexuality, and friendships the summer between high school and college. I can honestly say that I am proud to be a part of this film. The makeup applications were fairly simple and with a great looking cast, my job was never hard. For the crucifixion one scene, I got to have a little fun with blood and bruising but overall Stephen requested that everyone look real. So that's what I did. Along with keeping the sweat rags handy since we often filmed either outside in 90 degree heat or inside with no air condition. Overall though, great friends were made. A great film was made. And I got to spend a month in Charleston saying good-bye to one of my favorite cities. Onward to Orlando, FL now where I have established permanent residency and plan to continue doing great makeup! At least until my next travels...
Here are a couple pics from the movie that I love. I will add more to the website soon! In the meantime, Enjoy...