WOW! I can't believe that it's 2011 already. Although I'm sure everyone is scratching their heads wondering where the days of 2010 went?! Did anyone make any specific beauty resolutions for 2011?? I don't typically make any new year resolutions but I know 2011 is going to be full of great things! The trends seem to be a BOLD lip color and satin skin. I already prefer a more natural base look, but I think we are going to see more "dewy" looking skin. And if you haven't made a new year resolution, perhaps just cleaning out your makeup bag is a good place to start...
I realize it's been a while since my last update but things have been majorly busy for YourMakeupGal!! The holidays at MAC have left me with little free time. Somehow I did manage to find time to do a couple holiday makeups though. And I was recently approached to be a contributor for the Orlando area My first submission was a holiday insipred look. Click on the link below to read the actual article but here is a picture in the meantime!