

About this time last year, I was looking for freelance makeup jobs and came across a call for a MUA for a little indie film called THE WISE KIDS. So after falling in love with the script and meeting the director, Stephen Cone, I packed my kit and headed to Charleston, SC to help make a movie.

The cast and crew were nothing short of amazing. Admist crazy 14-hour days (often through the night), the scorching summer heat, Charleston bugs, and a plethora of other great memories, I am proud to announce the finished product will premiere at Outfest 2011 next month. And the buzz surrounding the film has been so positive that it will surely be a success at this and many other film festivals.

So I will encourage (beg) you to check out THE WISE KIDS, a film about the confusing time between high school and college where the path to self-exploration often begins. THE WISE KIDS is set in Charleston, SC and tells the story of Brea, a pastor's daughter with doubts about faith; Laura, set in ways of her beliefs; and Tim, dealing with being gay.

Also, feel free to "like" the Facebook page for THE WISE KIDS by clicking HERE!!