
The Return of YourMakeupGal

Well, hello there stranger.

I had no clue that it's has been such a long time since I've been up on the blogging game.  It's funny how life just sneaks up on you and instantly takes over everything you thought you had under control.  I am still trying to figure out this adulating thing, I suppose.

Quick update:  life is good.  GREAT, actually.  I still live in Atlanta.  I have an amazing job working for a large MAC Cosmetics location that requires most of my time and attention.  The rest of it, I openly give to my very energetic puppy and the amazing friends I've made since moving to Atlanta 2 years ago!  Yes, 2 YEARS!

So here is my re-commitment to myself...  BLOG more.  I need to remember to share my work with the world as I am definitely still doing makeup amongst the management world of retail cosmetics.  I no longer will be lazy about posting reviews and pictures of my work!!

So as a kickoff, post vacation...  here is a list of items I am currently obsessed with...

This list came to mind while visiting my friends recently in Jacksonville.  Knowing how makeup obsessed I am, a few comments were made about how I travel with such little makeup.  Honestly though, who really wants to be bothered with a heavy makeup case and a full face of makeup in 100 degree weather?  Not I!!  And yes, there are times when I love to throw on a full face of makeup but vacation calls for a "less is more" take on makeup in my humble opinion.  So take a peek at these items.  Give them a try.  I promise you that it will be great!